Service-Numbers in Germany

General Information
Country code:
Regulatory authority:
BNetzA (
Available number types:
Local Number, National Freephone, Global Freephone, Shared Cost, Premium Rate, Media/Voting Number, Premium Voice
Available tariff types:
Minute based, Call based, combined
Local Number
Number ranges:
All dialling codes in Germany
Network availability:
Fixed telephony, mobile telephony, telephone booths
minutes based: normal telephone charges for local and long distance calls
Allowed service types :
Business Services, Customer Care, Entertainment
Forbidden service types :
Gambling, Dialer
0800 - Freephone Number
Number ranges:
Network availability :
Fixed telephony, mobile telephony, telephone booths
minutes based: 0,00 EUR
Allowed service types:
Business Services, Customer Care, Entertainment
Forbidden service types :
Gambling, Dialer
00800 - Global Freephone Number
Number ranges:
Network availability:
Fixed telephony, mobile telephony, telephone booths
minutes based: 0,00 EUR
0180 - Shared Cost Number
Number ranges:
0180 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Network availability:
Fixed telephony, mobile telephony, telephone booths
minutes based: 0180 1 (0,039 EUR), 0180 3 (0,09 EUR), 0180 5 (0,14 EUR), 0180 7 (0,14 EUR, the first 30 seconds free) Mobile max. 0,42 EUR

Event based: 0180 2 (0,06 EUR), 0180 4 (0,20 EUR), mobile max. 0,42 EUR, 0180 6 (0,20 EUR), mobile max. 0,60 EUR
Allowed service types :
Business Services, Customer Care, Entertainment
Forbidden service types:
Gambling, Dialer
0900 - Premium Rate Number
Number ranges:
0900 1 for information services

0900 3 for entertainment offers

0900 5 for other services

0900 9 Chargeable dial-in programs (dialers)
Network availability:
Fixed telephony, mobile telephony
minutes based: Fixed telephony: 0.00 - 3.00 EUR; mobile depending on selected mobile operator

call based: Fixed telephony: 0,00 - 10,00 EUR; mobile not available
Allowed service types :
Business Services, Customer Care, Payment, Entertainment
Forbidden service types:
Gambling, Dialer (only allowed under 0900 9 after registration with the BNetzA)
0137 - Media/Voting Number
Number ranges:
0137 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Network availability:
Fixed telephony, mobile telephony
Minutes based: 0,14 EUR (0137 2/3/4); mobile telephony may be different

Event based: 0,14 EUR (0137 1/5), 0,25 EUR (0137 6), 1,00 EUR (0137 7), 0,50 EUR (0137 8/9); mobile telephony can vary
Allowed sevice types:
Mass traffic services (in particular TeleVoting and lotteries)
Forbidden service types:
Gambling, Dialer
Premium Voice Shortcode
Number ranges:
22xyz, 24xyz
Network availability:
Mobile telephony
Minute based: 0,49 - 1,99 EUR/Min
Allowed service types:
Business Services, Customer Care, Payment, Entertainment, IVR Services
Forbidden service types:
Gambling, Dialer, Subscription services

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